Monday, October 13, 2008

I have been working lately to try to get all the kids to be more independent.  With the younger ones in particular, it's potty training. After 9 solid years of changing the diapers of multiples I am ready for the mental and financial break!  Unfortunately, the boys haven't embraced this concept as much as I have.  Yet.  I sat them down and gave them a heartfelt pep talk about how great it is to be a big boy and do big boy things.  I admired their Thomas the tank engine underwear.  I told them how they can do more things with their older siblings, because they are so grown up now.  All the while I wondered exactly how much of my pep talk these little guys were taking in.  Later in the day, my #6 son runs past me and yells, "I gotta go potty!"  And dashes into the bathroom.  Yes!  Success!  I am mentally high-fiving myself and picturing my life becoming easier and easier as my children learn to do for themselves.  My mental celebration was cut short when my son stuck his head out of the bathroom door and said, "MOM!  Come hold my [you-know-what]!"  


Dragons52 said...

Ahhh it's always something isn't it!! Very cute story. Brings back fond memories of mine growing up.

Patty said...

Thank goodness that is all behind me. LOL. I can remember how our now 16 year old grandson when he went to the bathroom, would just stand there, and not even hold it or aim, he would like straddle the toilet bowl, but sometimes he would pee on the back of the toilet and the next person having to use it wasn't too happy. I don't know why he didn't want to hold it and aim. I would imagine he does now. LOL But I'm not about to ask him. I bet you never have a dull moment from the time you awake until you go to bed.

Jack and Joann said...

I will tell Jennifer to read this and then she will know what she has to look forward to in the future.

Oh, Jack Aidan was very calm on the hayride sitting in Grandpa's lap. Grandpa kept pointing out things to Jack and Jack kept following Grandpa's pointing finger to the action.