Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I am upstairs, helping my six year olds was their hair. Lauren stands up in the tub and looks out the window.  "Hey mom.  Declan just climbed out the window."  To which I reply, "Don't be silly.  He has not climbed out the window." Ignoring me,  "Hey Devin, look at this.  Declan just climbed out the window."  To which I say, "Stop being silly! You shouldn't say that."  I go downstairs to fetch clean jammies out of the dryer, and sure enough, Declan is not in the sun room where I left him.  I go out on the deck and at this point see Declan playing on the swing set, and Collin climbing out the window.  I ran back into the house and grabbed my camera off the table and snapped these shots.  I swear, in no way was this shot set up or contrived by me.  Although apropos, it was a pure coincidence that the kid was wearing a shirt that says 'my parents are exhausted'.  As for the naked hiney, what can I say.  Collin prefers an unfettered lifestyle.


Dragons52 said...

Very cute...at this age anyway! Look at it this way...at least he's not 17 climbing out a window without his pants on!!!

Patty said...

I agree with dragonquilter. Makes for a cute post. Poor Mom, I bet you are exhausted. LOL

Jenn K said...

Love it! And I love how your first reaction was to grab your camera--these are definitely ones to pull out again in 15 years when he has a girlfriend over.