Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The beauty of life is that it is filled with new experiences and surprises every day.  For example, yesterday my daughter was complaining that her ears hurt.  (Actually, she got up at 2:30 AM with an ear ache but that is another story).  So off we went to the pediatrician.  The nurse came in first and was asking Devin all the routine questions.  When she asked Devin if her throat had been hurting Devin said yes (to my surprise, I hadn't heard about that) so the nurse decided to be thorough and do a strep culture.  So, she gets out the long culture q-Tip.  (they come in grape and cherry now.  How clever is that?  Although I am not sure how much tasting your tonsils do when they jam that thing in the back of your throat.)  So she begins to take the culture and Devin makes a serious gagging noise.  Uh oh.  I am sitting on a chair, buried beneath two 3 year olds and a bead coaster, but I try to express to the nurse- who is very young, and very cutesy, all fixed up with, what do you call that stuff?  Make up?  And Jewlery?) that she may want to wait a minute and let Devin catch her breath when back in she goes with the grape flavored mega Q-tip.  And of course Devin barfs all over.  All over.  The nurse, herself, the floor, the bin of books under the exam table, my shoes, the bead coaster.  Maximun chaos ensues.  So, rather than opening the cabinet and handing her the handy emesis basin, the nurse decides that the best course of action would be to take the top off the lidded trash can, and give her that.  It takes a while to get the top off the can, and by this time there has been quite a bit more barfing. I probably should have done something, but at this point I was in duck and cover mode.  The nurse realizes she has a little barf on her smock and runs from the room.  A few minutes later an older nurse comes in and says, "yeah, these girls never know what to do.  They have to send the mom in."  We didn't see the perky nursey for the rest of our visit.  I think our picture is posted up under the front desk with a strict warning to not let us in again, under any circumstances.  Oh, and + for strep, as was her twin when we took her later in the day.  

Okay, gross I know, but at least it wasn't another pee story!!

1 comment:

Dragons52 said...

Well you have to teach those new nurses in some way don't you? Maybe she will actually learn from that??? Hope the kids are better soon!