Sunday, June 21, 2009

The most fun I ever had in the kids' school

The day before the last day of school I volunteered to help host the 4th grade picnic. The idea was to have the whole 4th grade rotate every 20 minutes, by class, through a series of five stations. Each station was to have a different activity for the kids. Our station was fear factor. The first challenge was getting three blindfolded contestants to pick cat poo out of a litter box. With their fingers. And eat it. Of course it was brown sugar and tootsie rolls. Which they figured out quickly enough. The second task was for three different blindfolded volunteers to stick their hand into a mess of slimy gross unknown creatures and fish one out. And eat it. Of course it was gummy worms, that were bloated and gross from having been soaked overnight in water. Which they figured out quickly enough. For the third task we had our brave volunteers stand in front of us, with their blindfolds on. Behind their backs we held up a can of dog food and asked the crowd to not yell out what they were seeing. We had a 4th volunteer open the can with a can opener. We then spooned generous quantities into the volunteers' mouths while the kids were screaming and going crazy. At one point the principal came in and she had a spoonful. During our last group we decided to get the teacher as a volunteer. The very sweet, about to retire teacher. She was a good sport. Nothing like going out with a bang!
Hands in the kitty litter!

Volunteers eating dog food.

Mrs. D. A good sport. Who figured out we'd soaked the labels off of dog food and put them onto cans of refried beans. The kids didn't always figure it out! Okay, seriously? 1 kid ran outside and threw up a little.


Patty said...

I bet the kids really enjoyed themselves and the adults to.

Dragons52 said...

I remember some of these from Haloween Haunted House tricks...what fun and a great way to end the school year!!